8th Grade Parent Night

SLMS, PLMS and ETMS Parent/Guardians are invited to attend!

It will soon be time for your student to become a Lee’s Summit West High School Titan.  We hope you are as excited as we are about this transition.  On behalf of the entire faculty and staff, allow me to say welcome to the Titan Family! The intent of this letter is to share important information regarding orientation for parents of incoming 9th grade students and the required Enrollment Conferences.

As a parent/guardian, you can help support your student by learning about the transition to high school and all that LSWHS has to offer. With this in mind, we invite you to attend an orientation for parent(s)/guardian(s) only (no students please) on Monday, February 3rd in the LSWHS Performing Arts Center (PAC), which is located between the cafeteria and the Main Gymnasium. This orientation focuses on three goals for our 9th grade students.

Our goals are for our 9th grade students to challenge themselves academically, to engage in our extra curricular activities, and to plan and prepare for post-secondary options. The following is a breakdown of the schedule for the evening.


8th Grade Night Agenda 2025


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